博天堂入口人总是寻求为您带来明智的建议和信息 ensure your business is resilient.
下面你会发现资源和评论的关键问题的影响 businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic.
博天堂入口政府已经宣布,任何发展中的人 与COVID-19相符的症状,无论多么轻微,都应该自我隔离10年 days and book a COVID-19 test.
- new continuous cough and/or
- fever and/or
- loss of, or change in, sense of smell or taste
As of 5th 2021年1月,博天堂入口大陆进入新的封锁,新的指导方针是 been issued regarding stay-at-home rules:
- 法律规定你必须待在家里,必要的时候可以离开家, such as exercise, essential shopping, caring for a vulnerable person, as part of an extended household, 或者是为了工作或学习,在家里是不可能的
- You must work from home where possible
- Meeting other households indoors is banned
- 来自两个不同家庭的最多两个人可以在户外见面
- Wear a face covering in public places
- 定期洗手20秒,每次使用肥皂和水,或使用洗手液
- Stay away from vulnerable individuals, 比如老年人和那些有潜在健康问题的人, as much as possible
Find business support in Scotland
Quick links to resources that can help you
Scottish Government: http://www.gov.scot/coronavirus-covid-19/
UK Government: http://www.gov.uk/government/topical-events/coronavirus-covid-19-uk-government-response
Skills Development Scotland:
World Health Organisation: http://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019
Coronavirus advice helpline for SME’s in Scotland: 0300 303 0660
Health Protection Scotland: http://www.hps.scot.nhs.uk/a-to-z-of-topics/covid-19/
NHS Inform: http://www.nhsinform.scot/coronavirus
Health and Safety Executive
健康和安全法规定雇主必须采取合理的措施 steps to protect workers. Employers are required to protect the health, safety and welfare of homeworkers who are employees. If you employ homeworkers you 是否应对工作活动进行风险评估并采取适当措施 measures to reduce any associated risks.
Burness Paull Coronavirus Hub
伯恩斯·保罗正在密切监测快速发展的COVID-19形势. Their priority is to ensure the health, safety and wellbeing of their employees, clients and other business contacts, as well as continuing to deliver legal services.
布罗迪冠状病毒中心为雇主、健康和卫生部门提供常见问题解答 safety and supply chain and contracts.
HR Department
人力资源部门制作了一个有用的网络指南,说明大流行如何影响你的员工, 以及你作为雇主的责任,回答关于员工旅行的问题, sick pay and more.
COVID-19 News and Updates
What we are doing
In response to the ongoing concerns 针对2019冠状病毒病,博天堂入口实施了一项行动计划. The health 我们所有的团队,利益相关者,成员和社区的福祉都是 对我们来说是最重要的,我们将继续遵循指导和建议 博天堂入口和英国政府,国民健康保险制度和世界卫生组织.
We will:
- 确保我们与所有团队,利益相关者和成员进行清晰的沟通
- 提倡良好的手部卫生,并确保有适当的清洁剂
- 定期清洁和消毒经常接触的物体和表面,如电话, keyboards, door handles, desks and tables.
- 引入一项政策,允许员工在需要时远程工作
With 立即生效,所有访客到博天堂入口,或团队成员在外部 meetings, will be asked to confirm:
- 他们没有出现类似流感的症状——咳嗽、发烧、呼吸急促
- 在过去14天内没有去过任何第三或第四层级地区,也没有与去过的人有过密切接触
- 他们没有遇到任何病毒检测呈阳性的人
ScotlandIS Covid19 Plan
1级:对博天堂入口的服务没有或只有轻微的中断. Aware of, and assessing the situation. Business as usual.
- 定期与所有员工,客户和供应商沟通.
- Precautionary measures, including visitor assessment, good hand hygiene, and display of prominent information
- Team members can work from home
- Events rescheduled
- Ongoing monitoring
Level 2: Increased disruption, maintaining business continuity.
- 定期与所有员工,客户和供应商沟通
- Remote working enabled for all ScotlandIS team
- External meetings at each team members discretion
- Events rescheduled
- Ongoing monitoring
如果您需要任何其他信息或有任何问题,请博天堂入口的首席运营官Karen Meechan karen@fk9988.com